Tokyo Dolores
Wooohooooo! It took a year and a half to come out but its finally here!
The Tokyo Dolores video!!
You would not believe the amount of hard work it took to bring this to you. Let me explain....
My hard drive crashed and i lost about 50% of the footage @_@
Thankfully Tokyo fashion saved the day by recovering some of the footage from the hard drive. It took a loooooog time hahahah but im just so happy that we can share what we can with you.
Tokyo Dolores shows are AMAZING! If you get the chance you have to see them perform live. You will be blown away. I'm so thankful that they allowed me to film them. I love projects were i get to collaborate with wonderful artist.
Once again TF thank you sooooooo much for working with me so we can finally put this out. I seriously though that this video would be lost. I'm so happy that we where able to recover some of it and make something cool out of it
PS: It's kind of funny to see how my shooting has changed over the last year and a half hahaha ^_-
The Tokyo Dolores video!!
You would not believe the amount of hard work it took to bring this to you. Let me explain....
My hard drive crashed and i lost about 50% of the footage @_@
Thankfully Tokyo fashion saved the day by recovering some of the footage from the hard drive. It took a loooooog time hahahah but im just so happy that we can share what we can with you.
Tokyo Dolores shows are AMAZING! If you get the chance you have to see them perform live. You will be blown away. I'm so thankful that they allowed me to film them. I love projects were i get to collaborate with wonderful artist.
Once again TF thank you sooooooo much for working with me so we can finally put this out. I seriously though that this video would be lost. I'm so happy that we where able to recover some of it and make something cool out of it
PS: It's kind of funny to see how my shooting has changed over the last year and a half hahaha ^_-
Kitsune Trailer [English]